Hi, I'm


I'm a Software Engineer


  • Python
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Html
  • CSS
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Git
  • Github


Discord Clone

A Discord clone built with Typescript, Next.JS, Prisma, and Clerk. Discord is a popular communication platform designed for creating communities and connecting people through text, voice, and video chat. It allows users to join servers, each dedicated to a specific topic or interest, where they can engage in real-time conversations, share media, and collaborate on various activities. Discord is widely used by gamers, but its versatility has led to adoption in diverse communities, fostering communication and interaction among users globally.


Boids is an artificial life program that simulates the behaviour of birds, fish, and swarms. The boids follow a set of rules that demonstrate complex emergence behaviour when interacting with other boids within their field of view.

Project Z

Project Z is a human and zombie interaction simulator. In this simulator, white dots represent humans while the green dots represent zombies. Humans and zombies both have variable speeds, vision, and movement patterns.

Graph Sketchpad

Graph Sketchpad is a web application designed for sketching graph vertices and edges.


Hi, I'm Andrew. I graduated Washington State University with a Computer Science degree. I have experience creating mobile and web applications. However, my passion lies in creating dynamic visual simulations for people to experience and interact with.